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GIS is one of epidemiology’s bestest friends. Sadly, GIS data can also be a pain. Your shape file broke ? Bummer. None of the shape names match anything ? Ouch. The local government just restructured the administrative divisions and now all your work is useless ? Sad face.

This package doesn’t really fix all those issues, but it is a data repository of GIS data for Epicentre where the shapes and names have been vetted to match what appears in other datasets. With epiplaces you can easily load your map data into whichever project you want and avoid constant name validation scripts that exacerbate the risk of future failure.


epiplaces::load_map(country = 'drc',
                    level = 'reg')

countries available.

In addition, a country level maps are available for the world and each continent (excluding Antarctica).

adding countries.

Open an issue.